silhouette of trees at night

Once Again

The rain and wind have visited the trees once too often — the branches nearly bare. The ground covered in […]

rain droplets on glass


This late October rain and mist and fallen  leaves like the grains of sand on a beach is prelude to […]

hands of crop faceless man under water


Sometimes I feel the streams of memory overflowing the banks of any containment I have erected to keep past dreams […]

doe walking near path in forest

The Wait

When hunting, I think about the natureof waiting, how much of my lifeis taken by it. How here in the […]

roadway during golden hour

The Return

The mists rose from patches of pines like prayer incense rising, disappearing     as words thinned and the burden of the […]

blue and brown backpack on the ground

The Affect

There is a destination to arrive at on Thursday and that affects what I will do today. The argument could […]

brown wooden harp on garden

Grendel Upon Hrothgar

I have heard you play the harp  and sing when the spirit of the Shaper has entered you and know […]

fog among trees in forest


I opened my eyes and saw first light and closed my eyes  wanting a dream to take me  into the […]

anonymous person kicking sun under sunset sky


“You are about to do something wonderful” is the unspoken gospel everyone knows.  Not something  big, outlandish, a big production  […]


Fare Thee Well

Leaves are losing their exuberance of green, some trees have given over to the fall colors, the curling of their […]